The adventure of Block Craft 2 picks off right where the first one left off! You may now construct a lot more distinctive environment with the newly added skins, inventory, and tools. In this wonderful construction simulation game, you may design and change a whole country. Allow your imagination to run free as you explore its immense horizons. During your quest, you may also test out a variety of amazing equipment and stuff.
Move: "W,A,S,D" Up/Down: "Q,E" Select block: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" Pause and Key info: "P" Hit block: "LEFT-CLICK" Create block: "RIGHT-CLICK" Rotate block: "R" Fly mode: "F" Build mode: "B" Crouch: "C" Run: "LSHIFT" Torch: "L" Throw ball: "R" Summon deer: "Y" Place brick: "X" Interact: "T" Throw: "G" Open block list: "TAB" Console: "H"